I've read about the power of mind-control and propaganda and reflected
on my own experience (30 years a JW), I'm still astounded how this stuff
I read an article at the library last year about a young girl who was sold by her parents to a rich old man for sexual purposes. She was 4 years old. The man abused her till she was 16 years old. He would tie her up when he left the house with a some food on a plate like a dog and gave her a can for bathroom purposes. When the man died, the authorities rescued the girl.
She described her wonder and her amazement when she discovered what the real world was like. She had no idea that she could choose what to eat, what to wear, meet other people, have privacy for bathroom purposes, etc. After several years of being free, she was astounded that she was led to believe that her sole purpose in life was to serve the sexual needs of the old rich man.
Undue influence is used by humans not only in religion but in other areas of life to control other humans. What a crazy world uh! The WT sometimes looks like Santa Claus compared to other mind-controlled organizations or individuals.